How to Attend TEMA 2023
The thirty-third state meeting of the Texas Medieval Association will take place at Southern Methodist University on Saturday, September 23, 2023 from 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Those wishing to present a paper or participate in a “Roundup” for this conference should submit a summary of no longer than 100 words by September 4, 2023 to TEMA President Bonnie Wheeler ( or TEMA Secretary/Treasurer Don Kagay (
TEMA 2023 is an entirely in-person conference held at Southern Methodist University. Please remember that no paper can be offered unless the author is present. When you submit your topic, please note whether you require any electronic aids.
We are holding costs to a bare minimum. All our sessions will be held in Dallas Hall, SMU. Students and Independent Scholars who are presenters receive free coverage for conference, break treats, and lunch. Dinner separate. Faculty presenters will be charged $10 for conference and TEMA membership, break treats, and lunch. Dinner separate. Dinner costs at the terrific SI TAPAS restaurant (2207 Allen St, Dallas 75204) for food and drinks will be $20 per student, $25 per faculty. SI TAPAS can provide fully vegetarian meals. All costs including dinner costs must be submitted with your registration. The conference hotel, the BEEMAN HOTEL (6070 N US 75, North Central Expressway 1000, phone: (214) 750-6060), is across Central Expressway, a short walk to campus. They are holding rooms for us—King and Queen-Queen rooms—but you must book by September 4 to take advantage of the favorable group rate ($149/night).
