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58th International Congress on Medieval Studies
May 11-13, 2023
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI

Thursday, 1:30 pm

Session 97, Objects and Voices of Propaganda in Medieval Ibera (Virtual)
Presider and Organizer: Yasmine Beale-Rivaya, Texas State Univ.-San Marcos


  • "Jamurs and Spolia: on the Reuse of Islamic Cultural Elements in the Churches of Medieval Castile" Rodrigo Cortés Gómez, Alejandro Ugolini

  • “The Mosaic of the Maqsura in the Aljama of Cordoba: Archaeology of Propoganda” Fernando Valdés Fernández Sr.

  • “Adventures of a Nasrid Silk in a Far Castilian Land: A ‘New” Textile Found in Peñafiel (Vallodolid)” Asunción Lavesa

Friday, 1:30 pm


Session 250, Paul of Venice’s Theory of Insolubles (A Roundtable) (Virtual)

(Co-Sponsored with the Dallas Medieval Texts and Translations)

Organizers: Philipp W. Rosemann, Kelly Gibson (Univ. of Dallas)

Presider: Philipp W. Rosemann, Univ. of Kentucky


A roundtable discussion with Stephen Read, Barbara Bartocci, Calvin G. Normore, Graziana Silvia Ciola, and Adrian Ortuño Sosa Sr.

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