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Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada: Archbishop, Historian, and Warrior

Session 508

"Warfare and Spanish Survival: Ximénez de Rada and the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa (1212)" Donald J. Kagay, Univ. of Dallas ​

"Saracens, Arabs, Pagans, and Goths: Race and Religion in De rebus Hispaniae" Theresa M. Vann, Independent Scholar


Spolia in the Mediterranean: The Iberian Peninsula

Session 434

"Santiago de Compostela, 899 AD: Spolia, Political Legitimacy and the Usurpation of the Past" José Suárez Otero, Univ. de Santiago de Compostela

"Woven Spolia: Andalusi Textiles Reinterpreted by Christians" Asunción Lavesa, Univ. Autónoma de Madrid

"The Recovery of the Salón Rico of Madinat al-Zahra" Ana Zamorano Arenas, Madinat al-Zahra, Córdoba ​

"The (Re)Use of Classical and Late Antique Spaces and Materials in al-Andalus: Examples and Meanings" Carmen González Gutiérrez, Univ. Erfurt


Patrons of the Franciscans

Session 36

"The Universality of Remission: The Wide Reach of Nicholas IV’s Indulgences and Their Role in His Global Politics" Ethan Yeong Lee, Columbia Univ.

"Franciscan Ways of Conversion during the Thirteenth Century" Olga Posazhennikova, Texas Tech Univ.

"Thomas of Eccleston: Constructing Franciscan Memories in Thirteenth-Century England" Lane J. Sobehrad, Texas Tech Univ.


The Problematic Structure of Juan Ruiz’s Libro de buen amor: Anthology, Collage, or Plot II

Session 316

"Ambiguity of Violence and Drinking in the Libro de buen amor," Yonsoo Kim, Purdue Univ.

"A Meaty Book: The Gluttonous Structure of Juan Ruiz’s Libro de buen amor," Gianmarco E. Saretto, Columbia Univ.

“A la dança mortal venit los nasçidos: Materiality, Structure, and the Dance of Death in the Libro de buen amor," Christi Ivers, Univ. of Kansas

"​En memoria del bien: Memory through the Anonymous Structure of the Libro de buen amor," Abraham Quintanar, Dickinson College


The Problematic Structure of Juan Ruiz’s Libro de buen amor: Anthology, Collage, or Plot I

Session 259

"In Search of the Perfect Fembra: The Church as an Idealized Woman," Jaime Leaños, Univ. of Nevada–Reno

"Poet’s Progress: Pen, Parchment/Paper, Performance, and the Libro de buen amor," Carlos Hawley, North Dakota State Univ.

"Pitas Payas as Narrative Digression in the Libro de buen amor," Ross Karlan, Georgetown Univ.

"Disruptive Ordinatio in the Libro de buen amor," Anita Savo, Colby College


The Self-Image of Iberian Kings Drawn from Warfare and the Landholding Reality of Their Vassals

Session 204

​"A Case Study of War’s Influence on Property-Holding: Mayorazgo and the Trastamaran Dynasty’s Military Triumph in Late Fourteenth-Century Castile," L. J. Andrew Villalon, Independent Scholar

"The Theory and Practice of War and Government Practiced by Pere III the Ceremonious of Aragon (r. 1336–1387)," Donald J. Kagay                                                                                                                                                                © 2024 Texas Medieval Association

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